Unlocking Customer Sentiment: BuyerGenomics’ HeartBeat Revolutionizes Insights

Welcome to the BuyerGenomics Thought Leadership Blog, where we’re excited to introduce our groundbreaking HeartBeat feature, designed to revolutionize how you understand and engage with your customers. In this post, we’ll delve into the HeartBeat tool’s capabilities, benefits, and how it can elevate your customer intelligence game. 

Introducing HeartBeat: Your Fast Track to Making Customer Sentiment and Feedback Actionable

Now, let’s explore the innovative HeartBeat feature and how it can transform your customer intelligence.

What is HeartBeat?

HeartBeat is a powerful primary research tool within BuyerGenomics that collects and compiles real-time consumer sentiment for your brand. With response data attached to individual consumer records, you can gain valuable insights into your customers’ feelings and experiences.

Key Benefits of HeartBeat

  • Near-Time Insights: Say goodbye to expensive, one-time Primary Customer Research (PCR). HeartBeat provides immediate customer intelligence.
  • Enhanced Segmentation: Use response data to create and refine customer segments, including True Customer Targets (TCTs), for more effective targeting.
  • Data Visualization: Visualize segment data with ease using the Segment Dashboard tool, gaining a deeper understanding of your customer segments.
  • Customization: Tailor HeartBeat surveys to match your brand’s identity, including logo, fonts, colors, and messaging.
  • Review Sculpting: Ethically manage and improve your Google review scores by directing positive reviews to Google and addressing negative feedback on your website.

How Does HeartBeat Work?

HeartBeat surveys are automatically sent via AutoPilot after customers make a purchase. Hosted on your website, these surveys collect consumer responses, which are then recorded and managed by BuyerGenomics.

Setting Up HeartBeat

Getting started with HeartBeat is a breeze:

  • Contact Your Success Manager: Reach out to your dedicated BuyerGenomics Success Manager to initiate the setup of HeartBeat or HeartBeat Review Sculpting.
  • Custom Treatment: Your Success Manager will create a custom HeartBeat treatment, incorporating your branding elements.
  • Deployment: Your Success Manager will guide you through a straightforward deployment process on your website, with BuyerGenomics handling the rest automatically.

Review Sculpting with HeartBeat

  • Positive Reviews: Direct satisfied customers to Google Reviews, bolstering your online reputation.
  • Negative Reviews: Route dissatisfied customers to a different survey on your website, enabling prompt action.
  • Alerts: Receive automatic notifications of low-scoring reviews, allowing you to address customer concerns proactively.

Maximizing Value

By incorporating HeartBeat and Review Sculpting into your marketing strategy, you can experience significant benefits, including increased organic search traffic, improved Google Ratings, and enhanced customer segmentation.

Cost and Technical Requirements

The best part? There is no cost associated with setting up HeartBeat or HeartBeat Review Sculpting! Plus, there are no technical requirements or integrations needed to start benefiting from this feature.

In conclusion, HeartBeat is a game-changing tool that empowers you to gain valuable insights into customer sentiment, improve your marketing strategies, and enhance your brand’s online reputation. Contact your dedicated BuyerGenomics Success Manager today to unlock the full potential of HeartBeat.

Stay tuned for more thought-provoking insights from BuyerGenomics as we continue to revolutionize the world of customer intelligence.

Note: To explore the HeartBeat feature in action and discover its full potential, visit BuyerGenomics today!